passive income with affiliate marketing

How to make money online writing

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Hi, I am Pamela and after some years selling my services as a Consultant and an Advertiser, I decided to take the leap to create sources of income writing, either with digital products, affiliate marketing, services, etc

This blog aims to reach my fellows writing lovers that want to take the leap to do the same, make money writing, without writing a book.

I think make money writing isn’t difficult, as a matter of fact I made it already, writing ads, writing to my clients ( I closed many sales by Whatsapp) and I think there is still many opportunities to generate income writing as well passive income. So the first post I will just let you some ideas of How you could generate online income writing:

-Create a blog

-Create an inspirational Instagram account or a Digital Marketing account

-Write ads

-Write sales page

-Learn copywriting

And so much more, stay tunned for the next post for more.

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